How pollution affects polar bears!

Everyday when you drive your car, have you ever wondered why your car is so fast?

That is because your car uses energy, to be more specific gasoline.

The more you drive, the more gasoline is used. Carbon dioxide and Nitrous Oxide are greenhouse gasses.

In the article, “Walking Drastically Cuts Your Carbon Footprint – And Helps Your Waistline”, by Anna Laycock, their study showed that walking 1.5 miles release 75% less greenhouse gases than driving to your destination would.

While on a local scale, driving may not seem to do as much harm, on a global scale with billions of people driving daily, the greenhouse gasses build up.

Greenhouse gasses contribute to Global Warming by capturing infrared rays, the rays bounce around the atmosphere, but are not released to space due to the fact that the greenhouse gasses make the sun rays stay. This is the greenhouse effect.

The greenhouse effect along with the greenhouse gasses keeps our earth warm and allows life on earth. This is a good thing. The bad thing is that with too much greenhouse gasses, the earth is getting too warm.

As the globe starts to heat up, the temperature change is most pronounced in the poles, and the water’s melting point is a certain temperature.

The sea ice melting affects the polar bears because polar bears hunt on the sea ice. With less sea ice, which is their preferred hunting ground, Polar bears start to starve. Making the polar bears home, feel like a place unlike home.

A 2020 study published in Nature Climate Change found that polar bears could be extinct by 2100 if Arctic ice continues to melt at projected rates.

To save the Polar bears, Please drive more gas efficiently and look for alternatives to transportation other than cars and trucks.